"But, really, why does anyone create? You feel a... a restlessness inside, a need to make something new, something no one has ever seen before. You want to add to the beauty and the richness of the world with a gift, an offering that is uniquely yours. It's an act of selfishness and generosity, all rolled into one."

-- Bruce Coville,
The Last Hunt

Friday, October 11, 2013

Autumn Flowers

I never seem to be able to put anything on the scanner straight, but here it is. I did the stems in Lizbeth 138 Leafy Greens. All the other colors are listed in the last post. I'm planning to mount this one on an off-white background fabric.


  1. Very nice! I like the shape of the vase without those two little side chains better than the original. These make a lovely autumn display.

  2. Wonderful colors. I also like the vase this way.

  3. Love the fall colors of your flowers. Beautiful!

  4. This is really wonderful! Great colours.

  5. So beautiful, look forward to when it is mounted, putting items on the scanner is so difficult, understand how getting it straight is a problem

  6. Gorgeous autumn colours, lovely vase I like the vase better without the chains on the sides.

  7. That's gorgeous, colour makes such a difference. Tho I really like the white one too especially against the royal blue.

  8. This came out nice, and will look great on the off white back ground. I like this color scheme.
