"But, really, why does anyone create? You feel a... a restlessness inside, a need to make something new, something no one has ever seen before. You want to add to the beauty and the richness of the world with a gift, an offering that is uniquely yours. It's an act of selfishness and generosity, all rolled into one."

-- Bruce Coville,
The Last Hunt

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Babies! Thanks, Marty!

Well, lots of people seem to be tatting animals lately, and I have too-- dragons!

My problem with the card has been the perspective.

The dragon is basically eye level with the viewer, so tatting things on the ground, like flowers or shrubbery, would look funny. I couldn't think what else to do, though.

Then Marty gave me the most brilliant suggestion: baby dragons, of course! They'll be up in the air with their mom (or dad, I'm not sure which), so the perspective will stay right. I did exactly what Marty suggested and tatted Anne Bruvold's Ringtrim Microdragon in several colors.

Aren't they cute? Left to right, they are done in a purple HDT I got on The Thread Exchange, LadyShuttleMaker's Helm's Deep, Yarnplayer's Midnight Oil, and LadyShuttleMaker's Rainforest. The pale yellow thread for the bellies is DMC color 579. I also added the same silver-gray Delica seed beads that I used in the big dragon. The addition of the beads meant I had to shorten the tails by one ring. And let me tell you, by the time you've done a few of these guys, you will have your single-shuttle split ring technique down! (See Jane Eborall's SSSR instructions, or this video.)

Now all that's left is the glue. Thank you so much, Marty, for the wonderful idea!


  1. Way to go, Marty! That will be perfect!
    Fox : )

  2. Awesome solution! Hats off to Marty, and to you for brilliant execution on mama (or papa?) dragon and her babies. The hatchlings are such deadly lil' charmers!
