
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So Maybe I'm Weird...

Does anyone else go through their shuttle collection when starting a project and select the shuttles that will look best with the colors of thread they have chosen?

At the back left are two shuttles that are in every respect the equals of the other three, but have been rejected for this particular project solely because they didn't look quite as attractive with the threads. Should I get help for this, do you think?


  1. Ha-ha! I love it. I do it to some degree but have fewer shuttles to choose from. I love the olive wood one.

  2. If you are weird, so am I! I sometimes agonize over which shuttle(s) to use!

  3. I do that too...i thought it was just a weirdness from me. no help needed...just embrace it :)

  4. I do it all the time! (Ok, I occasionally grab the nearest empty one for a quick project.) However, since our little obsession isn't interfering with our ability to function, I think we should buy more threads and shuttles rather than see a therapist, don't you? ;-)

  5. No, you do not need therapy. I had to chuckle when I read your post. Then I realized that I tend to never use the green shuttles that come in the clover pack. I have several green ones, but just don't like that color as well. Are those all David Reed Smith shuttles? They are all lovely. I use his a lot as I love how it feels.


  6. I guess I should get more shuttles in my collection. I have plenty of clovers and two of Sherry's ceramic shuttles (broken into two). or get my tatting mojo back?

  7. Hey, I do that, too, if the "right" color shuttles aren't already involved in other projects, LOL.

  8. Ah, a woman with my very own shuttle sensitivities! Of COURSE you have to check and see which looks AND feels best! It is only right and fitting...
    Fox : )

  9. Nope, not weird at all. I also 'unload' a shuttle so I can use with a particular thread. It's all about aesthetics,if it don't hold my interest, it'll never get done.

  10. I mostly have clover shuttles and my grandma's boye ones...nothing as lovely as yours...but I find myself doing that all the time, almost to the point of unwinding a shuttle that has thread just because it looks better with what ever I'm wanting to start!

  11. Well, after reading all the other comments, I'm beginning to feel like the weird one! Nope, never bothered to color coordinate my shuttles and thread. Someone mentioned not liking the green Clovers and I agree there. I will use any color but green unless it's my last empty shuttle! Now if I were going to have my tatting out in public more, I might be more sensitive the color thing but.....not very often.

  12. Whew! Glad Gina chimed in there! As I don't have that many shuttles and they're either gray (Aero) or wood or the silver Boye, my only concern is the size of hook! Ironically, I just ordered four Pony shuttles, which appealed to me because of their bright colors! I thought they'd be handy when using two shuttles so I know which is which. But maybe I'll be 'sensitive' to the thread color I'm using with them!

    Actually, I probably could use some therapy! When I discuss my need to be on the internet all the time looking at tatting blogs, friends and family think I need an 'intervention' LOL!!!

  13. Nope, it's not weird at all! I have certain shuttles that I use for special projects (I use my grandma's shuttle when I make baby booties) so why not have shuttles that look best with particular colors? What I think it all means is that we need more shuttles!

  14. When the pattern requires switching between blue and green shuttles, I use at least one correct colour shuttle. It is easier that way. Otherwise I choose shuttles according to the projects e.g. how much thread needed, thread size used, favourite shuttles; not so much colour of threads to match shuttle. But no harm matching them, they look prettier, don't they?

  15. Ha ha you have given me a laugh and I need cherring up today. No I dont as all my shuttles are the same, colour etc yes the same, I am teaching my grand daughter this week and I told her whatever shuttle she learns on is what she will always use. I was going to show her some of the lovely blogs on tatting - do you think this piece will be good for her or will she think............ perhaps I will keep it to your tatting pieces.
    Have a nice day

  16. ...thread and shuttles must coordinate, I say!

  17. I chose my shuttles for the comfort of use and right now I am most comfortable using my Clovers and the Susan Bates post shuttles.
    I do have other type of shuttle, though not that many. I occasionally pick one of my non-clovers and make something small with it so that they know that I have not forgotten them.
    The colour of thread does not come into play at all, ha ha ha...

  18. Hmm, what is this prejudice against the green Clover? I have only one, but I like it! ;-)

  19. I do the same thing... Sometimes it's the thread color, sometimes it's so that the 2 shuttles I'm using match.... Occasionally it kind of reflects the mood I'm in. Yep, we're all strange, but at least we're strange together! :)

  20. That is so funny. I don't think I have done that but now that the thought is there, well who knows.

  21. I love this post!!! And it's current, for me tatting is a passion that waxes & wanes! I'm in a waxing phase right now. I have numerous shuttles and have used all of them at least once. None really fancy or expensive but I have a wish list: I need a GR-8 shuttle, a David Reed Smith, a LadyShuttleMaker (etsy), and a couple of new ones I've seen recently from LACIS; a Metalized plastic (I love the colors) and a couple of Pony "Aero-Style" two different colors. Because as Kathy said It's easier to do two shuttle work with different colored shuttles. In the old days I labeled my shuttles with pieces of tape: "shuttle 1 & shuttle 2"
    Thank you for letting me share in your collective weirdness. Tat in peace!

  22. Lol, for me it's like avoiding the cracks in the sidewalks as a little kid~ which I still am, BTW (even though I'm 54 :)) but yes, I ALWAYS have to find the right color, shape, material, size, etc., of shuttle to wind the thread on~ or I feel 'off kilter' as I'm tatting. Does this constitute an Obesessive/Complusive Disorder? Hah! I think not ! ! ! :)))
