
Friday, July 29, 2011

A Bookmark for Frodo

LadyShuttleMaker must be as enamored with Middle Earth as I am; she's got threads named "Treebeard" and "Helm's Deep".

So if you happen to be reading the Red Book of Westmarch and have to take a break for second breakfast, this would be the bookmark for you.

The pattern is Jane Eborall's "Flowery SCMR Bookmark". This is not a pattern for the faint of heart, but once you get the hang of it, it actually goes fairly quickly.


  1. Wonderful colours! Love this bookmark - I have to tat it again, but you are right - it does need undivided attention! Worth it though.

    Love that quote at the top of your blog. Read it three times this visit. : )

  2. Gorgeous bookmark! I really enjoy the Lord of the Rings movies made most recently, but I love the books even more. It is one of those series that my daughters and I have to go back and re-read now and again.

  3. Your bookmark is a beauty! Love the colors too.

  4. Gorgeous bookmark, I love the colour you used suits the bookmark so well.

  5. Miranda's dad here. So, in a hobbit's tatted bookmark, is there, like, one split ring to rule them all? ;-D
