
Holiday Harp Videos

Besides tatting, my other great love in life is the harp. In December 2011 I decided to post a series of videos of myself playing holiday music to add a touch of serenity to a season that is hectic and stressful for a lot of people. Links to these posts are below; I hope you enjoy them!

Taladh Criosta (The Christ Child's Lullaby)
The Cherry Tree-- A medley of three different songs based on the legend of the cherry tree
Dona Nobis Pacem
Ukrainian Bell Carol
To Drive the Cold Winter Away
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent-- And the answer to the question "What is she doing with her left hand?"
Ma'oz Tsur and Blessings on the Menorah-- Two songs for Chanukah
That Night in Bethlehem

Special thanks to all the arrangers who graciously allowed me to use their copyrighted arrangements!