
Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 4, and Edging Started

Day 4 of the TIAS was certainly quick to tat. I happened to have similar colors showing on both threads, so my lock chain is not quite as striking as some people's undoubtedly will be, but I'm betting there will be more lock chains later.

At this point, the wing seems too narrow for a bat. Perhaps it's not a wing at all. Perhaps it is a Chinese dragon holding a pearl in its mouth. Time will tell.

I also made a good start on the edging for the music stand drape.


The pattern is Frivole's Christmas Tree Edging. Since I'm not making it to look like Christmas trees, I used all one color, the same Lizbeth 605 that I used for the Square Elegance motif. This also allows me to skip the shoelace tricks and do it with ball and shuttle instead of two shuttles.

I made a tiny change to the first clover, and will make the same change to a couple of others later on. I wanted different beads at the two ends and on the corner, but I didn't want to have to figure out how many repeats that will be and count the beads as I was stringing them (I would have been infuriated if I had miscounted). So to avoid all that, I used the technique where you string the beads on a long picot and then join to that same picot a couple of stitches later (and made a normal beaded picot underneath that); this meant making the ring larger by two DS. All the other repeats are as written, and once the whole thing is made and sewed down it will all make sense.


  1. Your tat and see is looking good have not clue what it is, that edging is very nice great picots, what color is that? looks like a light grey?

    1. Yes, it's Lizbeth color 605. It's officially called Silver, but it really is a light gray.

  2. That looks fabbo! What size thread?

    1. Size 20-- otherwise, it would take way too long; plus it needs to be weighty enough for the satin piece it's going on.

  3. Love the edging! I need to learn how to add beads that way. I hate when I end up with too few!
