
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Working on the Hat

I'm about halfway done with the second hat, and hope to finish it up this weekend.

The light is better today, so I got a much truer representation of the green this time. The sharp-eyed among you may notice that I've switched from a circular needle to double pointed needles. I felt like it was getting stretched too much on the circular. I don't know why; it was the same length of needle as I used for the last hat, and the hat is the same circumference. The dpn's feel a little awkward to me and are definitely slower to work with, but the tension feels much better.

You may also notice that the ball of yarn is not nearly as neatly wound as previously. Naturally, I try to secure all my yarns and threads before leaving home, but sometimes I just don't do it quite thoroughly enough. I came home from work the other morning to find that a certain feline had unwound the entire ball during the night. But you can't get mad at this face, can you?

I'm not sure if I care for the diamond center on this new background. What do you think?


  1. Not crazy about the diamond (prefer to see them on my fingers), but love the kitty! Mine played 'cat's cradle' with a whole ball of yarn one time - he wound it in and out and round and round the legs of the dining room table and chairs. It wasn't the best yarn in the world - and even less so after he played with it - but cleanup was easy in that we just moved the chairs, lifted one table leg at a time, and gathered up the yarn for the trash.

  2. Miranda, At first I was pleased because the blog looked as if it were going to be more streamlined and easy to read - but I do not like the diamond! Too distracting! Sorry! But I do like the way you are thinking here...
    Fox : )

    1. You're right, Fox. Distracting is the word. The problem, at least for me, is the way the text is partly on the diamond and partly on the photo.

      I love the picture, though, so I'm going to e-mail the person who designed this background and see if she'd be willing to do it with a standard strip down the middle.

  3. No, you definitely cannot get mad at that face!
    As for the diamond, I didn't notice it until you mentioned it, but now it is all I can notice.

  4. Brave of you to do a twisted stitch. Looking good. The diamond is a bit distracting.

  5. I'm so impressed that you're comfortable working with the double pointeds, although it is necessary when the circular is too long for the number of stitches. I sometimes used two or three smaller circulars to avoid the double pointeds. Then the bamboo kind seemed to have more friction, so I finally learned to work with them, especially for socks. The pattern you're doing requires concentration! It's a nice texture.

    I have to agree that the diamond is distracting. But your sweet kitty looks so 'innocent'!

    tatting! And your kitty is too sweet to scold!

  6. Sorry for that confusing last line. When I comment on my tablet, sometimes my typing goes offscreen, and I can't 'find' it, so I think it got deleted! Then it shows up after publishing! Very frustrating for me. The word 'tatting' referred to your lovely header, which is a delightful collage of your tatting.
