
Thursday, December 27, 2012


So fcddddddddddddddd=]]]]]]]]]]]]]]][-p

-- says Squijum

What I was intending to say was that so far, I seem to be putting blue accents in all my snowflakes for Sandy Hook. Makes me think of Diane. :)

This one is Jon Yusoff's "Quantiesque". It's such a pretty design, and this is the type of Celtic tatting that even a beginner could manage (although with this particular pattern, you do have to be comfortable with two shuttles, but it's all just rings and chains). You make the first two rounds separately and insert the one into the other, then add the third round to hold it all in place. Much easier, and in my opinion, more enjoyable than the other kind of Celtic tatting, where you have to weave a long chain around itself to form a Celtic knot. Well, to each their own, but I think we can all agree that Jon's design is gorgeous.

I used Lizbeth size 40, in White (601) and and Wedgewood Light (655).

I've also started a new knit, this time for myself.

Don't worry, I'll straighten out the curl in a couple of rows. And although there is a knitted hat in my near future, this is not it.


  1. I love this pattern, I did yellow and white, yours looks beautiful with the blue, As you say it an easy pattern for Celtic tatting.

  2. I also love the Celtic look of this snowflake and find this type of Celtic tatting to be so much more relaxing and less stressful to do than the weaving of chains - which I have yet to master!

    I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that even when Jon explained why she named it 'Quantiesque', I wasn't familiar with the name or logo of the fashion designer, Mary Quant! I guess that's akin to not knowing who the Beatles were! I was in my early 20s in the '60s, and I was not really paying attention to the fashion scene, as I was busy with my secretarial job and was rather conservative in my clothes. It was a shock when the mini-skirt eventually became the 'norm' in offices - and I wore them, too! Then I was amazed when the hemlines dropped again; although that idea wasn't readily accepted - especially the 'midi-skirt'.
    Then in the mid-'70s we all changed over to pantsuits to avoid the confusion over hemlines!

    1. Kathy you did make me laugh, Mary Quant, London and the Beatles were my life in the 60s, or should I say the swinging 60's!
      Miranda that is a beautiful snowflake and I came across the pattern only a few days ago and thought I might give it another try, you have definately inspired me now, thank you.

  3. Is it possible to get the pattern? It is really beautiful!

  4. Where can I find the pattern for the tatted snowflake?
