
Friday, November 9, 2012


Today's leaf is the horse chestnut, once again from Karey Solomon's book Tatting Turns Over a New Leaf.

After googling images of horse chestnut leaves in autumn, I decided that the clear, vivid hues of Tatskool's "Gina's Tequila Sunrise" HDT (formerly known as "Flame Lantana") would be perfect. I used size 40 for this one. One of the many nice things about this book of Karey's is that she shows each leaf full-sized as tatted in size 20; this allows me to estimate the size of thread I will need to achieve the size of leaf I want for a pendant. And as always, I added beads because a necklace should have beads, don't you think?

The links in the above paragraph and in yesterday's post go to Tatskool's blog. I wanted to link to her shop, but unfortunately some sad person with nothing better to do has hacked her shop site so that some people's security settings (mine included) will block the site. I've talked to her, and she's going to have her son take a look at it, but it might not get completely fixed till she sees him at Christmas. In the meantime, if you are interested in her beautiful threads, you can contact her through her blog. Seriously, hackers, can't you stick to the big corporations that can absorb a loss of sales, and leave private individuals alone?

The pattern calls for ball and shuttle, but the first round made more sense to me with two shuttles, so that's what I did. Since I had two shuttles anyway, I used Catherine wheel joins on the second round to join to the floating rings for a smoother outline. (CWJ's are much easier with two shuttles.)

Once again, I did my own thing for the stem. There's nothing wrong with the stems on all these leaves the way Karey wrote them; I just like coming up with different ways of doing things, especially when I'm adding a bead or finding to the end. In this case, I used the shuttle with the bead on it to make a longish loop with the bead at the end, and then lock-joined back to the leaf. Then I used the two shuttles to pearl tat, using this loop as the core thread. I left the end of the loop uncovered so the bead could hang freely.

Squijum had his follow-up check at the vet yesterday. His mouth is fully healed, so his daily oral hygiene regimen starts today. I wonder how he'll take it.


  1. Hey, Squijum,

    Did you hear that? What is THAT - oral hygiene?

    Get ready to bite. Be on full alert. SHE has plans and I don't think the odds are in your favour.

    If she approaches you with something new in her habd and is smiling a lot and making those ridiculous cooing sounds - you know what I mean - run and hide under the bed where she can't reach you. Scratch. Mew piteously - that sometimes works.

    Good luck, my friend,

    1. Gian,

      She tricked me with cuddles and actually got close to my mouth! I managed to avoid most of it, but I did end up with some kind of weird gel in my whiskers. Tomorrow I shall be prepared and have my claws fully sharpened. Thanks for the alert, buddy.


  2. Beautiful horse chestnut leaf,

    Not sure about giving a cat dental brushing good luck


  3. That leaf is absolutely stunning!!! :)

  4. does the toothpaste come in tuna flavor?

    take care so you don't get scratched

    I like the horse Chestnut leaf. I have 2 of those trees right outside my bedroom window.
