
Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I finished the mirror-image part of Marilee's pattern, only I have to do it again.

The one on the left is the new one, and I thought it wasn't quite sitting right. When I put the two of them together, I realized it was because I made the sword section too short by one set of 3 ds. I'll rework it tomorrow and then be ready to start on the center section.

The thread is Lizbeth color 605, silver. The pattern calls for size 10, and it really does have to be for the finished project to be big enough. If you've been reading my blog for a while, you've probably seen me say that I can't stand working with anything larger than size 20 because it hurts my hands. Therefore, I don't own any size 10, and I wasn't about to buy three balls of it for one relatively small project, when I would never use it again. What I did instead was to double some size 20, and it's working very well (and yes, it does hurt my hands just like a size 10 would, but I won't have to do it for long). The double thread technique will be especially interesting when I get to the section that uses a variegated thread.


  1. I love the silver! I have that one in size 80. So does the math work for all the sizes? ie (40 X4 =10, 80 X8=10)?? I don't like to even use size 20 anymore so I can't imagine tatting with size 10. :o)

    1. Hi Jess, actually I suspect the doubled size 20 is slightly larger than a size 10; at any rate, I'm having to use longer lengths of thread than what Marilee says in the pattern. In this case, though, too big is better than too small-- I tried it first with a single strand of 20, and it came out way too small.

      I agree, I don't really like using even size 20. But so many patterns these days are designed with it. In some cases you can go smaller, but in other cases, like this one, you really have to go with what's written or the finished product won't serve its purpose. The chunky look of larger threads seems to be in fashion right now, but I keep hoping the finer appearance of size 80 will come back into favor.

  2. Looks great. Marilee's patterns are always enjoyabele to make. I'm getting ready to make "Wisteria Necklace" from Lady Shuttlemaker's new book, Branching Encapsulation using size 80 thread. Will be a change from the 20 I use most often. Sounds like your kind of project. Karen in OR

  3. Your comments made my hands hurt and I thought of that fellow who tats with silver wire! Can you imagine? Hid work is beautiful - I cannot remember who he is, but he is also a professional clown...

    Your necklace is going to be beautiful and worth all the effort, as your “trial” pieces look terrific. Too bad this is not also a joy to tat because of the thread; the pattern is so unusual and so pleasing to the eye.
    Fox : )

  4. Well, aside from feeling like the thread is going to cut my finger off, it really is a joy to tat, just like all Marilee's patterns.
