
Friday, February 3, 2012

Changes to Blog

I decided that the amount of stuff in my sidebar was getting way out of hand, so I figured out how to add tabs at the top of the page. You can now find the links to my tutorials and harp videos under those tabs.

While I was playing with that, I made the most wonderful discovery. You know how you used to be able to click on a picture, and it would take you to a separate page where you could enlarge it to full size? A while back, Blogger decided to inflict upon us that god-awful black page where you can scroll through all of the images in a post but can't enlarge them to see the detail-- and tatters want detail! Funny how they come up with ways to make things worse than they were before, and assume that everyone will want them. Well, it turns out that you can go back to the old way of displaying your pictures. Just go to Settings --> Formatting and scroll down to where it says "Showcase Images with Lightbox". Click the drop arrow, change it to "No", click "Save Settings" at the bottom, and you will rid yourself of that horrendous black screen and allow your readers to enlarge photos the way they want to. Not that I have strong opinions on this or anything.


  1. Thanks for the information! My picture display is now changed, too. Much better to be able to see that detail when it's available.

  2. Thanks for the tip. I just changed my settings.

  3. You were not alone! The "Lightbox" feature annoyed the heck out of me when it first started, especially since it showed up overnight with no explanation. However, among tatters, it seemed to bother only you and me! I preferred the old system. I'm glad they're now allowing us to opt out of Lightbox! Thanks for the tip!

    I've been wanting to do the 'tab' thing, too; but I've been reluctant to make ANY changes until they fixed the comment issue! (It seems that your Reply button still doesn't work?) At least I can comment again and see the other comments on your blog and the other blogs with 'embedded' comments.!

    Re the TIAS: I was amazed how many guesses arrived in Jane's mailbox before yours! I forgot about the time zone thing! I think everyone now realizes that it IS a goat (isn't it?)! And it IS a fun thing all around!

  4. Nice find, Miranda! I could not figure out how to get rid it that wretched black background!
    Fox : )

  5. Well now, here's a funny thing, Kathy. I can now use the Reply feature on other people's blogs (I couldn't up until today), but not on my own! GRRRR!!! Being an eternal optimist, I am still hoping for it to be fixed soon; maybe it's sort of rolling thing where they release the fix on a few blogs at a time. We'll see.

    Making the tabs turned out to be really easy, but I had to dig around a bit in the Help section to find out how, so feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions about it.

  6. Hallelujah! Thank you for finding this! I'm changing this on my blog next!!!!!!!!!

  7. Hmm ... that is strange! I can't see the image formatting in my Settings. Could it be something to do with the layout that I am using? Hmm ... curious.

    I still cannot comment using Chrome, and that is another bummer, :(

  8. Jon again ... found out why I didn't see the image formatting options. My blog setting was in the upgraded Blogger interface. When I changes it to the one without the upgrade, I can see the option. I have changed it and now the black is gone... whoopee!

  9. Miranda, you and Kathy are not the only ones that didn't like the new format for pictures. I will be changing mine too. and Jon, I was going to suggest that you might need to change to the old format to find the setting, but see that you have already done so, why would some setting only be available in the old format? makes no sense.
    as for the reply function, Miranda, i clicked on reply below Kathy's comment and the box popped up to do so, didn't leave a reply, but assumed it would work.
    Thanks again for all the good info.

  10. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!! I have changed my settings too, I can't stand that stupid light box, lol, appreciate it a ton! Bri.

  11. Thank you a gazillion times. I am changing this setting too - hated that darned black screen!

  12. Great! I did find that "open in another tab (or window) brought up the original size too but since I don't like the black box, I'll try your advice!

  13. Thank you for the helpful information.
