
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

TIAS Day 8

Day 8 of the TIAS is out, and it seems that, given the extraordinary colors that some of us have chosen, there must be a lot of new and unusual breeds of goats around.

Mine will look a bit extotic in these shades of blue and pink (Lizbeth "Denim Whisper"), but I'm really looking forward to seeing the green and pink goat, aren't you? I did consider making the TIAS in brown or gray, on the theory that these colors would be neutral enough to work with whatever it turned out to be; but you know that if I had gone that route, Jane would have given us a parrot instead!


  1. Mine is brown and I just sent Jane my guess - and retracted it in some embarrassment as I had said lamb! I had meant the one with the horns! I would be horrid as a farmer!
    Fox : ))

  2. You may be first with the 'answer'!!!
    It WILL be fun to see all the colorful goats! Can't imagine it can be anything else!!!?

    I'm just having fun 'observing' everyone tatting and guessing! If it IS a goat, I know I'll be tatting it eventually, as I'm partial to goats (long story).

  3. I definitely wasn't the first. Several other people got there before I did when today's "bit" was release, and I think one or two people even guessed a goat before today. Anyway, we're all having fun, and that's what matters!
