
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Challenges

I recently acquired a second harp student. This is nice, as it gives me a bit of extra money each month. Next month I'm planning to get a smartphone; this month, however, I blew the wad on tatting books.

That's right, I got six of Ineke Kuiperij's books. And yes, they are written in Dutch, and no, I don't read Dutch. Between the diagrams and online translators, I should be able to manage. I do like a challenge.


  1. She has such gorgeous patterns! I have a few books but have yet to tat from them. I started the chess set, one piece, and never went back! I have the carousel one too which fascinates me but have not even attempted it. Let us know how you do! Riet is very good about helping with the translation if you get stuck.

  2. Challenge is what makes the world go round. But then if you don't have a fixed income, it would be very difficult.

  3. Oh my goodness! I bet there will be some awesome tatting items to show in the future!!! :)

  4. You are brave to take on the language challenge! They look like beautiful books.

  5. Challenge in its self trying to read a lanuage you dont speak, once you can find out the abbrevations I think with the pictures and diagrams you will be fine. They look beautiful designs and I look forward to seeing your tatted items from the books.

  6. You know, smartphones change every month with new and different do what evers. Tatting patterns are for ever. You did the right thing.

  7. I have these too! What a great addition to the tatting library!

  8. How can I contact you for more information about the books?

    1. Ineke's book sales are handled by Riet Surtel-Smuelders. See for ordering info.

  9. I tried to contact you via the link you gave but did not answer. you have another email address?
