
Saturday, August 20, 2011

"Glass" Ornament

This is Motif 24 from The Tatted Artistry of Teiko Fujito. I thought that, turned vertically like this, it resembles certain types of glass ornaments, like these. I tatted this in blessed size 80. The first round is Majestic color 850, and the third round is Lizbeth color 632. The second round is LadyShuttleMaker's "Undersea Garden". Alas, this was a limited edition colorway and is no longer available, although she does have a couple of other colorways that are very similar. Who says Christmas ornaments have to be in Christmas colors?

As I was blocking this one, I realized that if you turn it sideways it looks like an eye; you would tat the first round in black, the second in whatever color you want the iris to be, and the third in white.

I have just one more ornament I'm going to tat this afternoon, and then I need to get everything for the sale packaged and labelled. Fortunately, this task is already about half done. I should have it all in the mail to my mom by the middle of next week so that she'll have time to sort and price it all.

With each item, I am including one of these:

Spread the word any way you can, right?


  1. That is a wonderful piece, Miranda! Beautiful!

    It's a good label.
    Fox : )

  2. I suspect you will inspire a few new tatters!

  3. I love the label, clear and concise!

    The ornament is really stunning. I've got to get that book!

  4. The ornament (OR eye!) is great! And I really like your label - very professional and lovely description.


  5. ...stunning and beautiful! Love the label!

  6. I can't believe how many things you've tatted for the sale! The difficult thing is the pricing. The label is excellent and possibly will bring some folks to your blog - and to tatting!

    I agree that Teiko Fujito's design looks like an ornament! An interesting design idea, adding small motifs to the ends of a circular 'doily'. It could be done in so many color combinations and would look great on a tree or in a window! It would also look neat with some beads or a big crystal hanging off it. And it DOES look like an eye!

  7. Ornament or eye, both looks really lovely. A very pretty pattern.

  8. this is absolutely stunning, very pretty color choice, well done :X


  9. Wow, it's so beautiful!!!It looks so delicate, and colours are wonderful!

  10. Stunning beautiful love the way you used it as an ornament or eye, which ever way you put it its still stunning
    I agree we have to spread the word every way we can.

  11. I love it. The vertical one looks like it should be on a necklace.
    Mobile, Al.

  12. A wonderful way to spread the word with your tags! I love the eye/ornament! Best of luck with the sale and showing everyone your beautiful tatting.

  13. That is a great ornament and great colors! :)
    Great idea to add the info card. :)

  14. I love the color and your choice actually does looks like an eye. By the way, I love your note.
