
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Window Dressing

More from Marilee Rockley's wonderful book Up and Tat 'Em, the "Wondrous Window" pendant and earrings. You may remember I made this set for myself a few months back; now I've made it again for the sale, this time using some of Tatskool's HDT's. Tatskool's clear, bright colors are perfect for the stained glass look. I used "Flame Lantana" and "Coral Reef".

Hmm, looking at the picture, I may need to block the "Flame Lantana" pendant a bit more.

This is yet another motif that shows an equal-armed cross in the middle, even more noticeable in the beaded version. It's not that I'm obsessed with this symbol, it's just that it seems to show up everywhere.

I am planning to make one more set using the variation with lots of picots.


  1. That pattern really does give the impression of stained glass. Lookin' good!

  2. That is REALLY pretty!
    Fox : ))

  3. Great colors!!! I love those sets! :)
