
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Do the Fandango

Really, Jane, did you have to name it the Fandango motif? Because now I've had "Bohemian Rhapsody" stuck in my head for days, thank you very much.

This is another motif that inadvertently forms an equal-armed cross when worked in two colors. It works up very quickly, the pattern is easy to learn, and it's just the right size for a pendant.

The threads are all Lizbeth. Left to right, the colors are 656 Wedgewood Dark and 621 Dusty Rose Light with gray rainbow-finish seed beads; 681 Pistachio Green Light and 633 Purple Dark with the vintage pink seed beads I picked up at a yard sale; and 644 and 657 Ocean Turquoise Dark with gold seed beads.

The major problem right now is that I have way more ideas than I have time to tat. Hopefully I'll be able to get to a bit more this evening.


  1. Love these squares! You guys are so darned fast!

    I am so wanting to try this pattern , but am stuck with the border for a while... I really get side-tracked having too much on the go at one time.

    Fox the Fastidious : )

  2. Why is it I'm ALWAYS getting into trouble? Please can somebody explain? I'll admit that I'm churning out these Fandango's at a great rate of knots!!!! Another 'improvement' will be available shortly!!!

  3. this really is a cute pattern, and would make a nice dresser scarf when added a few rows together :)

  4. I love the look of the 'crispiness' of the motif. You are really in love with that equal arm cross image.

  5. Really pretty and great pattern I like the way you can do so many different colours with a cross in the middle. great work
