
Thursday, May 5, 2011


I'm back home from the wedding and vacation. I've tried to keep up with everybody's blogs while I was gone, though I usually didn't have time to comment. I just finished putting all my pictures on the computer and organizing them, although I few still need cropping. I'll show you a few now to give you an idea of how I've spent the last week, and I'll give details over the next couple of days.

I don't believe I've even mentioned what city I was in, but you can probably guess from the first two photos. And I promise to do a whole post about the lace, even though I really don't have much information about it.

When I got home yesterday evening, Squijum yowled at me for hours, he was so angry that I had been gone. It was an odd combination of yelling at me and cuddling, really. Today he's just extra cuddly.


  1. Boston, eh? Just around the corner from me! You could've dropped in for *tea* - make that coffee!!

    Oh, I can hear him yowling at you! Aren't they funny when you come home. Welcome back. I look forward to more about your trip!
    Fox : )

  2. Welcome back! The lace looks very interesting.

  3. Welcome back, but sorry this UK lady does not know where you are, so could you please tell me where you were/are. The lace looks lovely and very interesting
