
Friday, March 25, 2011

Confession, Comparison, and the Fantastic Flying Feline

Remember this?

Yeah, it still pretty much looks like this. The truth is, I'm sick of it, and I don't think I'm going to finish it, at least not in time for the wedding. Some people can happily tat the same thing over and over again, but I am not one of them. I knew this about myself before I started, but somehow I thought it might be different this time. At this point, thinking about this project makes me dread the idea of tatting instead of looking forward to it. When that happens, the project must be put aside.

I am also playing harp for the wedding. It is conventional among musicians that if you aren't charging for the music (which would normally be hundreds of dollars), you don't really have to give a gift. I probably will still get them something from their registry, but practicing the music and making a handmade gift is just too much in a limited time frame.

There. I got it off my chest.

To celebrate my decision to preserve my sanity, I wanted to tat something in my favorite color, PURPLE!!! I had two HDT's sitting next to each other, Tatskool's "Berry Burst" and Yarnplayer's "Purple Glory". They have similar colors in them, but in different proportions, and I wanted to see how they compare.

Berry Burst

Purple Glory

As you can see, the Purple Glory has a few more shades in it, but the darkest purple and the fuschia are almost exactly the same. I honestly have no preference between the two, although they look quite different-- more different tatted up than on the skeins.

They are both size 80. I have no idea why the Purple Glory one came out so much bigger than the Berry Burst. The motif is "Faith" by Mary Konior, from Tatting with Visual Patterns.

I also made something else this afternoon, but I can't show it just yet.

On a completely different topic, I think Squijum can fly. He hasn't actually done it in front of me, but how else do you explain this?


  1. oooooh I know, I know Squijum is playing tether ball with the window pull....
    OMG we have to keep Pippa and Squijum separated! She loves tether ball, too.
    We found out she can jump 6 ‘ flat jump....
    There are no ‘safe’ surfaces. Glad this house has a door to the kitchen....I’ll have to find a new home in Northern CA that isn’t an open floor plan (which I wanted).....oh snap!
    yer neighbor to the west....bev

  2. Too, too funny! You'd better secure those cords!

    You sound so much happier tatting now! You are right - cast off the burden, dance with the ds!
    Good to see you enjoying your tatting again!
    Fox : )

  3. I not only have a difficult time making the same thing over and over again, I also have a difficult time getting the pieces to end up the same size. I give you a lot of credit for getting as far as you did. I'm guessing you'll pick it up every now and then now that the pressure is off!

    I love the two purples! I can say I have a favorite... Purple Glory... it seems more intense to me. Lovely tatting!

  4. I still love that mat! You have done a great job! I totally understand the needing a major break from it since I have been working on and off on a large tablecloth for my husband and have only gotten 18 inches done and only about 5 inches in width. But I have been doing all kinds of other things to take my mind off that and then I have to discipline myself to actually do some work on it(mostly cuz' I want to see it actually get done).
    Love the motifs!!! They both look great!!! :)

  5. Cats can be a challenge! Those two motifs look great. And the matt will be there when you're ready. Oh, and I LOVE harp music. What a special gift that is!

  6. I like the mat I can understand why you get fed up with doing the same design over and over again. I like your two motifs and very lovely colours.

  7. I feel your pain with the repetition of motifs!! I'm on number 5 of 16....NEXT!

  8. Miranda - that is one thing I dread, too repetitive. Anyway, you were lucky that you will be playing at the wedding.

    Currently am working on a doily in size 50 - not able to show since its for a blog reader. I hate it when halfway through, the center does not lay flat - and yes I read the instructions carefully (unlike my Anemone doily where I had an extra ring-chain from the start).
