
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Presenting Your Earrings, and Something Funny

I was trying to find a nice box in which to put the earrings I made my sister, but couldn't find quite the right thing; I wanted something more than just a plain cardboard box. I did find a little satin bag that was just the right size, but I didn't want the earrings just flopping around in there; they needed to be on a card. That gave me two choices: buy a pair of earrings just to re-use the card, or make my own for just a few cents. No question there, especially since the shop that I found the bag in happened to be primarily a paper shop. All I needed was some card stock, an inexpensive paper awl, and (optional) another paper and gluestick.

Since this was for my sister, I used a fancy metallic cardstock, which cost a whopping $0.75 per 8.5x11 inch sheet; there were also plain white and ivory for $0.10 per sheet. And of course, the decorative heart was completely unnecessary. My point here being that if you happen to be looking for a way to display your earrings at craft shows or shops, this is really cheap, fast, and easy.

On a completely different subject, this morning I got one of those ridiculous scam e-mails; this one was so funny I had to share it with the world. Apparently I have won, without entering, the North Carolina Education Lottery. Er, the West African branch of the North Carolina Education Lottery.

We are requested to notify you about your winning prize
$1,000,000.00 USD that was awarded to you by the North
Carolina Education Lottery. Your E-mail address was
selected Globally as one of the beneficiaries of this
year. In order for us to start sending your fund. You are
advised to provide the requested information below:

* Full Names:
* Current Address:
* Country:
* Tel:
* Age:
* Sex:
* Occupation


Mr. Christopher Odu.

Tel: +2348073233613
Wire Transfer Manager,
West Africa Office
Copyright © 2011 North Carolina Education Lottery.

Sheesh, who falls for this stuff? Why didn't they go ahead and ask for my social security number, bank account number, and mother's maiden name while they were at it?


  1. I love your earring card! I think that's something even I could accomplish.

    I received 7 of those scam emails in one day last week. Imagine, I could possibly be one of the richest women on earth with my winnings! I really do wonder who falls for those things.

  2. Nice earring card holder - don't think I would have thought of that!

    Sadly, there are some people that DO fall for the scams. Thankfully though, people are getting wise to these terrible games!

    That was a doozy - tickled me silly.

  3. Wow! You are rich! Better send that info off ASAP!

    Love the earring display - very effective.

    Great post, Miranda!
    Fox : )

  4. Your made to order earring card looks really special. For quickie earring cards, I have used business card blanks and larger Christmas present tags.

    There really is a North Carolina Education Lottery. Judging from the grammar, your spammer makes it sound like we need some more education here in NC :)

  5. Hey! Thanks for the email, great ideas!

  6. Hi,

    I like the way you have displayed your earrings, makes the earrings a little more special than just any old box. I hope she likes and enjoys your earrings.
    Unfortunately people do fall for these spamers, they think they will be rich and unfortunately it can cause so many problems, as once you answer one you get more and more and in the end end up with hundreds. These spamers who send them out get rich from all the money sent from those who fall for them. They needed a lot of information what else did they have in mind. Glad you did not fall for it.

  7. Awesome pair of earrings on a very special card! Great gift!
