
Thursday, April 30, 2015


Several good guesses last time, which is all perfectly fine, as there's actually only one person it's a secret from.

Monday, April 27, 2015

It's a...

It's the start of a thing, and it was designed by Linda Davies. That's all I'm telling you right now.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Happy Late-ish Tatting Day

It's 12:38 am on April 2, so technically I missed posting on International Tatting Day, at least in my own time zone. OTOH, any night shift worker will tell you that if it's 6:00 Thursday morning but I haven't been to bed yet, it's really still Wednesday night. So there.

The truth is, I completely forgot it was International Tatting Day until I started reading blogs in the morning and saw everybody else posting about it. Shame on me! And I didn't even have any chocolate in the house-- double shame!! However, I had been planning on tatting and wearing tatting anyway, and I did manage to achieve both of these things.

In the afternoon I continued work on the pink flower earrings, but didn't get them finished in time to wear to belly dance class in the evening. I did wear the necklace, though. I got several compliments on it, so that gave me a chance to talk about tatting, too. After class I finished the earrings.

As promised, they don't quite match, yet they do clearly go together. I'm really quite taken with them, if I do say so myself.

And here's the complete set:

Sort of a wildflower effect, wouldn't you say?

Next year I'm marking International Tatting Day on my calendar so I remember to celebrate it properly!

Squijum thinks I should just go to bed already, and he's probably right.