
Friday, February 7, 2014

Pretty Colors

This is Mary Konior's "Carnival" motif, tatted in "Winter Jewels" HDT by Tat-ilicious. I love this colorway! The amethyst and jade tones, with just a touch of rose quartz, complement each other beautifully (could I write for a clothing catalog or what?). Just looking at these colors makes me feel festive, and brightens up the gloomy winter days we've been having lately. Granted, gloomy winter days never last long around here anyway; the sun is coming out already.

I tatted this just to empty my shuttles after tatting another piece in this thread, which I'm not showing you yet. Sorry.

And here's day 12 of the TIAS. It's definitely a sailboat now. Although I do have to admit, I liked the sketch of a butterfly somebody sent in.


  1. Love this MK motif! Great colours too.

  2. The Koniors motif is lovely! What you are going to use this, do You have an idea??

    1. Oh, probably just set it on a shelf, in front of the books. That's what I do with most of my small motifs.

  3. Like Fox I also like this motif, beautiful colour thread.

  4. Your carnival motif is awesome!!! :)

  5. Oh I already decided they are upside down ice cream cones :) I am not sure where do you find this colorway thread? It is very pretty and your motif makes it all the better!

    1. The hand-dyed thread in the motif is from Jess, aka "Tat-ilicious". Just follow the link in the post to her Etsy shop. She won't necessarily have every colorway she makes in stock at any given time, but you can always send her an e-mail and ask if she can make some more. She's very friendly!

      The purple thread in the TIAS is Lizbeth color 165.

  6. Carnival in winter jewels looks gorgeous. I especially love the jade shade.
