
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Creamer Bag Revised

My coffee creamer friend didn't work Sunday night, which gave me time to make some minor adjustments to the bag. I felt that the solution I came up with on Sunday, while functional, wasn't quite as elegant as I had been hoping for. What it boiled down to was that once I had learned that the pointed flap coming over the front wasn't going to work as a locking mechanism, any other mechanism I came up with wasn't going to look right with that point.

So I unraveled that whole section and bound it off straight. There's still a flap that comes up from the back of the bag over the top, but it now stops flush with the top of the front. I added a few more brass rings all around the opening and adjusted the length of the chain.

That's a bit better, I think. It's easier to see the difference in real life where you can view it from all angles. I kind of like how you can see exactly what's in there, but you can't get to it without the key. There's something in me that enjoys taunting would-be thieves.

Finally, since anything in the fridge at work is supposed to have some sort of identification of the owner (not that this stops people from taking things, obviously), I added a set of tatted initials.

The thread is Lizbeth 622 Medium Pink, size 40. The patterns for the letters are from The Tatter's Paradise by Gillian Buchanan.

If you look at the scan of the letters alone, and look at the pattern, you can see from the thread ends (left long for sewing on the bag) that I started the S in a different place than the pattern calls for. By starting in the middle instead of at one end, I was able to avoid split rings and cutting and tying, and make the whole thing in one go using just a ball and shuttle. The trick is, when I got to the chain opposite the ring that I started with, I put a piece of scrap thread across the core thread to make a downward-facing joining picot. That one little trick allowed me to simply ring-and-chain my way around the whole letter without stopping. The V, of course, was perfectly straightforward.

I gave the bag to my co-worker last night, and she gave me a huge hug.


  1. Perfect! Love how you were bound and determined to stop any thieving! Even modifying the original and adding the initials - my kind of Sherlock H. thinking! Good for you. Your friend must be very happy with this gift.
    Fox : ))

  2. p.s. The blog looks different??? Looks great.

    1. Thank you. I get bored if I keep the same background for too long, so I try to change it seasonally. Funny thing, usually when I change backgrounds, I have to make some changes in the colors on the blog itself to make it blend better. This time around, changing from the yellow autumn leaves to the blue pattern with snowflakes, the same color scheme worked still worked. I think that was a first.

  3. I have to laugh You should re-title your blog something like " Crime fighting with Fiber Arts" stay tuned for more stop the thief fun!

  4. This is absolutely hysterical...I love it! As a person who can't drink tea without milk, and a person who is constantly running out of milk at work, this totally makes sense! I'm sure your co-worker will treasure this thoughtful and creative gift! :)
