
Friday, November 15, 2013

What to Do?

So, all you knitters out there, what do you do when you've finished a project and you have this much yarn left?

It's just enough that I'd hate to waste it, but what can I possibly make with it?

And no, you don't get to see what I made-- at least not till after Christmas.


  1. Well, seeing as your pretty cat is in the next picture and Christmas is coming, I would suggest a catnip mouse for your friend. Either that or add it to a pompom for a hat.

  2. or knit a bookmark, or make a tassle

  3. I am sure the cat has more influence than us!

  4. my mom knitted often and very well, and won ribbons, but the item people wanted the most was a patchwork looking sweater,she made for herself that she had made with all the leftovers, true story :) And won hankie on someones blog that I just loved was made with tatted leftovers!

  5. Save it to embellish some wet felting project? (That is, if your singles is, indeed, wool?)

  6. Cut into small. - about 2 inch strips - and save till spring. The birds love the obits for their nests. No longer than a few inches though or they become a danger...
    Fox. : )


  7. I usually just put leftover yarn in a bag with a note of the project and the date. It's also important to keep the label. A photo of the finished
    item is also a good idea. Sometimes repairs have to be made,
    especially to sweaters, which can get snagged, unfortunately, so the
    extra yarn comes in handy for repairs. I've also been known to add
    length to sleeves or waistbands, so I don't mind having an extra skein.
    Leftover yarn can also be used in other projects for duplicate stitch
    embroidery, or as mentioned, pompoms or tassels, or crocheted
    flowers or edgings. You can also make small squares with different
    stitch patterns and make a 'sampler' afghan. Of course, by never
    throwing anything away I have contributed to our storage problems!
    I'm now donating the yarn to various organizations or yarn shops. So
    the labels come in handy for washing instructions and to distinguish
    acrylics from wool.

  8. Love the pattern on Squijum’s legs. I never noticed that before in other photos of him.
    Fox : )

  9. Left overs are put in the draw and as I also make toys and knitted cakes they are used up with those.
    What lovely markings he has on his legs, I think the left overs are for a toy for him for christmas.

  10. How about these?
