
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sad Butterfly

Sad because it only has one wing. It will get better, but I have to say, it is taking longer than I expected.

I am happy with the way this wing turned out, even if it did take a while. Part of the reason it took so long was because in the last mignonette round, I noticed that I had joined one ring in the wrong place and had to unpick a couple of other rings to get to it. By the time I had done this, I had handled the thread so much that parts of it were becoming discolored-- yes, my hands were clean! Even some of the previous round was discolored, so I ended up cutting out the whole mignonette section and redoing it. Between that and having numerous ends to hide, this is a project that is requiring great patience. Only three wings to go!

In DMC size 60, this is about 3 1/4 inches across so far. Since the top wings will be slightly wider, this means the finished butterfly will measure more than 6 1/2 inches across.

I really like the lacy look of it in all white. I've also seen a really stunning version that somebody did in colors. (Would the person who made that one please speak up? I'd love to have another look at it, and give a link.) When I first started this, I had visions of making a second one in color, but I'm not so sure now. I haven't ruled it out, but it won't be any time soon. By the time I finish this one, I will be ready to move on.

Oh yeah, the pattern is "Kirsten" from the book Tatted Butterflies by Adelheid Dangela.

UPDATE:  I found the colored version mentioned above. It was made about three and a half years ago by Steph. Go check it out!


  1. Gorgeous tatting!

    I recall seeing that coloured one I think at InTatters... It was very beautiful. I also do like it in white though. Plusses on both sides!

    Looks like a lot of fiddly tatting to me.

    The book is one I do not have and have wondered about getting it for a few years now. How are the other patterns inside? Worth having?
    Fox : )

    1. Oh yes, well worth having. The butterflies range from tiny to huge (this one is the biggest, I think). Some are very simple and could be made in an evening, while others are far more complex. None of the others are this fiddly! There are a couple of designs that don't appeal to me, but most are lovely, and all different. The patterns are all diagrammed, with very little written instruction.

  2. I thought I recognized the pattern. I have that book as well. I like your rendition. It will be lovely when you have finished it.

  3. That's exactly the butterfly I remember seeing! It blew me away, and I couldn't imagine tatting it - and here you are tackling it! You have more patience than I have. It's impressive in white, too!

    1. Little bits at a time, with other projects in between!

  4. It going to be a beautiful butterfly when you finish it, I have popped over and seen stephs, and in colour it's a wow butterfly, but I think looking at yours white will look more lacy.

  5. It looks very nice so far! That's a book I don't have. Perhaps I should buy one!
