
Friday, September 13, 2013

Canopy Bookmark

Here's another from Martha Ess's Playing with Picots book.

This is the "Canopy" bookmark. I used Lizbeth color 159 Easter Eggs, and I think this pattern looks terrific in a variegated thread. I probably should have scanned it with a darker background, but I think the pastels look very fresh and pretty.

I usually put my tail at the top of the bookmark, but I wanted to do it without cutting the threads, so this is how it ended up. OTOH, it also looks pretty good upside-down.

When you turn it this way, my tail looks like a thistle head. Kind of cool, huh?


  1. This has a real elegance to it. It reminds me of the flowering trees in a lot of Japanese paintings to me. Nice work!

  2. This is an interesting pattern wtith these long picots! very pretty!

  3. One of my favourite patterns, it always looks so effective in whatever thread used.
    But I like yours with that fancy tail and yes it does look like a thistle head when you turn it upsidedown

  4. I like your bookmark and really like the tail.
