
Monday, September 30, 2013

And Another...

I've started another flower pot. I never do anything halfway, do I?

This is Flower Pot I again. I will be doing this one in technicolor (and then I'll do a monochrome version of Flower Pot II...). This time I'll be focusing on autumn colors in the flowers. The vase is in Lizbeth color 673 Terra Cotta.

Careful observers may notice a slight difference in this one. According to the pattern, there should be an additional chain on each side of the vase. Here's the original:

Now the thing is, the chain circled in yellow can't be made on the same pair of threads using traditional tatting techniques-- by which I mean rings and chains made of flipped double stitches. (There is no problem for the matching chain on the other side; the second round starts at the ring circled in red, so when you get back to that point, you simply continue with the final chain.) There are two ways to do this yellow chain. You can skip it, then come back to it at the end and tat it separately on a new pair of threads; this is what I did on the white one.

On the colored one, I decided to use the other option, which is to do it as a split chain. "Split" is really a misnomer here, since the whole chain would be done in the same technique. But you know what I mean: leave a bare length of thread, make a lock join to where the other end of the chain goes, and work your way back over the bare thread with unflipped double stitches. The challenge is always to leave the right amount of bare thread. Well, after a couple of failed attempts, I got tired of unpicking it and decided to go back to option A, so I skipped that chain for the time being.

Then as I was tatting along, I realized that the design without the side chains also makes a very attractive vase shape. So in the end, I was glad the split chain hadn't worked out, and I simply left both of those chains off. What do you think?

As for the TIAS, I tugged on the outer chains to make it flat, and after Day 4, I know what it is. It's definitely a gourd; that's why it's a Fall TIAS.


  1. You are industrious. That flower pot is so intimidating... Looks great with the terra cotta colour,
    Fox : )

  2. Looks great without the chain. So save the hassle and do your own thing. Tatting is supposed to be fun, relaxing and enjoyable - right?

  3. I love the color of the new flower pot, and I actually think I like it better without the chain!

  4. The flower pot without the chains looks great. I have also made this flower pot and left out the chains because I couldn't figure out how to add them in. Great color for a flower pot.

  5. I agree that the vase looks just fine without the chain. That's quite an explanation about it! I wouldn't have realized it was so involved! You're going to have quite a collection!

  6. I like your vase, I did the yellow marked chain separately, but seeing yours without it, next time I make it again and there will be a next time I am going to leave it out, looks fine without it.
    As for the TIAS I have just tugged mine and it's lying flatfish so it will do for me. When I looked back at day one I saw half an inch picot gauge, I will change it on the sheet when I print it out to keep to read quarter inch. Not sure what it is yet, you might be right?
