
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tatting for Klara

I've decided what to tat for my great-aunt Klara. It needed to be something small and frameable, since they're not going to have a lot of table/shelf space in their new room, and less wall space than they had in their house. After browsing a lot of patterns, I chose Linda Davies' "Star Attraction" doily. The pattern says it's about 9 inches in size 20; I'm using size 80 (I had a hankering to tat something in size 80, so I figured I might as well do it on a project that needs to be small anyway), so it will be interesting to see how small it ends up.

This is the first three rounds out of eight, and so far it is 1 1/2 inches (about 4 cm) across. The threads are Majestic colors 847 (blue) and 819 (pink). When mounted on a cream-colored background, these colors will go nicely with their couch.

I had a bit of indecision at first; I couldn't decide whether to make a doily or a cross. Well, today, after I had already started the doily, I got an e-mail from my dad saying that John could use something on the door to help him remember which room is theirs. You know how it is in these facilities; all the doors look alike. When my grandparents went to assisted living, I tatted them a picture of a hummingbird with a flowering vine for their door. So when I finish the doily, I'm going to go ahead and do a simple cross as well. The cross will go in a frame that they can either hang on the door or else stand up on a small corner shelf right next to it.

I've got jury duty coming up in a couple of weeks. I'm trying to look on the bright side and hope that it will give me plenty of tatting time.


  1. What a good idea to personalise a door with some tatting.

  2. The doily looks so pretty! I like the idea of tatting on the door. My mom has a clam shell to identify her apartment. Sometimes I think it's more important in helping me find where she lives!

  3. This is so lovely and I like the way you think.

  4. I myself don't get 'hankerings' to tat with size 80 (LOL) so I admire those of you who do. And it's amazing how large a piece looks on the screen that's only 1-1/2 inches across. These are lovely pastel colors. I've admired Linda's design. You'll no doubt finish it in record time!

    That's looking at the bright side of jury duty! Maybe it will be easier than working those 12-hour shifts, too!

  5. Pretty colors. Your Great Aunt Klara is very lucky
    I just tweeted your blogpost here! Come see! @tattingchic
