
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Three Motifs

Here's the third of the three motifs I made for my mom.

This is from the same reprinted vintage book as the second motif; in fact, they're on the same page. This one is Square Motif No. 8915. I really like how the round center is changed into an overall square motif. I decided to make this one bluer than the others.

Here are all three motifs together.

The three motifs are sort of unified by each having a grouping of large red rings in the center. The first one I made (bottom left) has very short chains between these rings, with an open space in the center. The second round motif has a simple 6-ring cluster in the center. The square has a wheel (or wheel-like structure-- I'm not sure if it counts as a true wheel if you cut between the center ring and the surrounding rings) in the center. Thus each is unique, yet they each have some kind of center based on red rings.

I'll be seeing my mom this week when we both go to visit my great aunt. I'll have to remember to pack these. I was hoping to also make something for my great aunt, but I won't have time; I have to work every day between now and when I leave. But she is giving me a rather large gift, so I'll tat something after I get home and send it to her.


  1. Miranda, you sure haven't lost your magic tatting touch; these all look wonderful.
    Fox : )

  2. They look great and the colours go so well

  3. I think they go together perfectly! Your mom will love them! :)

  4. Three beautiful motifs, and they bend so well together, I am sure they will look beautiful framed. Love your colour way on them.

  5. Fabulous. You've done those very big rings in the third one so neatly, which isn't easy with big rings. Yes, it's neat how the circle turns into a square.

  6. I have done the first motif in white and love it. went on to add more motifs to make a doily. love the colors you have chosen. your tatting looks superb! make me want to tat these others. I know what you could do with those motifs check out my Blog called Carollyn's tatting bog if you like :)

  7. Beautiful! I like all three motifs and they look really nice in red and blue.

  8. Replies
    1. I mentioned the book in the previous post describing the second motif. It's a reprint of a vintage book called Tatting-- A Fascinating Book of Delicate Lace Designs.

  9. funny reading your blog I am from so.bend In area.small world here.what a nice gift to give your mother your tatting.I need to start practicing doing this again.Its so cool!!!!
    Debbie Kelly

  10. I understand where you got the first two motifs, where does the third one come from? I really love them all. I just got the book so that I could tat the three, just in other color scheme.

    1. Sorry, I guess I wasn't very clear in this post. This post was the third in a series of three, where I showed each motif as I tatted them and identified where each came from. In the first post, where I showed that one on the bottom left, I said it came from the book Tatting for Today by Marion T. Leyds, published by DMC. The other two come from Tatting: A Fascinating Book of Delicate Lace Designs, which I gather you have.
